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    An IDC Resource

    Format: Applications and Spreadsheets

    EDFacts IDEA Discipline Data Infographic

    The EDFacts IDEA Discipline Data Infographic provides basic information about the EDFacts file specifications states use to submit IDEA Discipline data to the U.S. Department of Education. The infographic outlines details about Discipline data for children and youth with disabilities ages 3 through 21 that states must include in their annual submission of EDFacts files FS005, FS006, FS007, FS088, FS143, and FS144. 

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Applications and Spreadsheets

    SEA EDFacts Edit Check and Data Display Tools

    IDC's SEA and LEA EDFacts Edit Check and Data Display Tools for assisting states as they prepare their Part B data submissions. States can use the tools to identify potential edit check errors or errors in subtotals or totals prior to submitting the data to OSEP. Several of the tools are updated versions of the DTS originally published by (DAC), and this resource includes a zip file of 508 accessible versions of those tools. The MOE and CEIS Edit Check and Data Display Tools that IDC and CIFR developed allows states to input LEA-level data into the base data tab and generates edit check messages that are displayed in the auto-calculations tab.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Presentations

    What to Know About High-Quality Discipline Data

    This session reviewed the working principles of high-quality IDEA data as they relate to the various discipline data states must submit each year for children and youth with disabilities. Discussion topics included how states make sure their data are accurate, timely, and complete. Presenters also discussed how states maintain discipline data security while making the data accessible and usable.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Presentations

    Equity, Inclusion, & Opportunity: Addressing Success Gaps

    This presentation introduced the audience of local education agency personnel to new tools, the Equity, Inclusion, and Opportunity: How to Address Success Gaps Rubric and the Equity, Inclusion and Opportunity: How to Address Success Gaps White Paper. The rubric and white paper were developed by a group of OSEP-funded technical assistance providers, with input from states and other experts. The Equity, Inclusion, and Opportunity: How to Address Success Gaps tools provide a process for reducing the differences in school success among subgroups of students by providing a structure for districts or schools to examine their current practices and identify areas for improvement.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Recordings

    Equity, Inclusion, and Opportunity in Special Education Webinar

    In this webinar, which IDC staff presented for the University of Tennessee’s Boling Center for Developmental Disabilities, we first discuss the requirements in the IDEA related to disproportionality, describe methods for calculating disproportionality, and present data, both at the national level and for the state of Tennessee. The second part of the webinar introduces a research-based guidance document and self-assessment rubric designed to help schools and districts identify the root causes of "success gaps."

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Presentations

    Equity, Inclusion, and Opportunity in Special Education

    In this webinar, which IDC staff presented for the University of Tennessee’s Boling Center for Developmental Disabilities, we first discuss the requirements in the IDEA related to disproportionality, describe methods for calculating disproportionality, and present data, both at the national level and for the state of Tennessee. The second part of the webinar introduces a research-based guidance document and self-assessment rubric designed to help schools and districts identify the root causes of "success gaps."

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Presentations

    Equity, Inclusion and Opportunity: Addressing Success Gaps

    The presentation introduces a research-based guidance document and self-assessment rubric designed to help districts and schools identify the root causes of "success gaps" (for example, in test scores, suspension or graduation rates, or course credits) for some groups of students, thereby helping schools to improve and equalize results for all students.