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    An IDC Resource

    Format: Guides, Papers, and Reports

    CEIS Practice Guide

    The CEIS Practice Guide provides two scenarios each for voluntary CEIS and comprehensive CEIS. Each scenario describes an LEA’s implementation of voluntary or comprehensive CEIS and how the LEA or state could track the amount LEAs reserved for voluntary or comprehensive CEIS, the activities conducted using IDEA funds for voluntary or comprehensive CEIS, the target group of students, and ongoing student-level data about special education services. IDC and CIFR collaborated to develop the practice guide.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Guides and Briefs

    Collecting and Reporting the New Data Elements Related to the Local Education Agency Maintenance of Effort Provisions

    Produced by IDC and CIFR, this resource discusses each of the four new data elements OSEP is adding related to the LEA MOE provisions of IDEA in the MOE Reduction and CEIS data collection. The resource reviews each new element, presents information about actions the SEA may take to address and answer the questions posed for each of the four data elements, and provides additional support and assistance as states prepare to collect and submit these data.



    An IDC Resource

    Format: Applications and Spreadsheets

    Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) Fiscal and Student Data Tracker

    The Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) Fiscal and Student Data Tracker is a set of four tools SEAs can use with their districts, schools, and providers to assist them in tracking the finances, services, and student data associated with CEIS. IDC and CIFR produced the CEIS Tracker. The resource also includes an instructions document or user's guide for more information about when and how to use the CEIS Tracker.

    Format: Presentations

    Maintenance of State Financial Support (MFS): Challenges, Tools, and Technical Assistance: What Have We Learned and How Can We Help?

    CIFR staff shared general findings from interviews with states on their practices and challenges in reporting data for MFS. Participants learned about the newly developed CIFR MFS toolkit designed to help states document and report MFS data. The session also described how CIFR has directly supported states experiencing MFS issues through targeted and intensive TA.

    Format: Presentations

    MOE and CEIS Data Reporting and Quality Tools and Tips

    IDC and CIFR staff presented an overview of tools available to states and LEAs around LEA MOE and CEIS requirements and data quality. They also presented information on considerations states and LEAs need to keep in mind in relation to the MOE and CEIS requirements and data quality. One state presented information about the policies, procedures, practices, and tools/ templates it has in place to ensure LEAs meet the LEA MOE and CEIS requirements and improve data quality. The state staff also discussed their work with CIFR around the LEA MOE calculator.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Applications and Spreadsheets

    SEA Edit Check and Data Display Tool - Part B MOE and CEIS

    IDC and CIFR  developed the SEA Edit Check and Data Display Tool - Part B MOE and CEIS to help states prepare their Part B MOE and CEIS data submission. States can use the tool to identify potential edit check errors or errors in subtotals or totals prior to submitting the data to OSEP.  The tool allows states to input LEA-level data into the base data tab and generates edit check messages that the tool displays in the auto-calculations tab. IDC and CIFR updated the MOE and CEIS edit check tool with the revised reporting years and to reflect updates to three edit checks. 

    Format: Presentations

    Step by Step: Overcoming Challenges by Documenting MOE Reduction and CEIS Processes

    This workshop explored the benefits of documenting MOE Reduction and CEIS processes for collecting and submitting data to OSEP. Presenters described some of the common challenges that SEAs face with these data. States shared the steps in their processes, who is responsible for the processes, what methodologies they use to collect and review data, and how they consistently validate and report the data.