Archived Resources

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    An IDC Resource

    Format: Toolkits

    Why, What, Who, and HOW: Improving State Reporting of Local Performance

    This toolkit provides an overview of the public reporting requirements in IDEA Section 616 and provides suggestions to present local performance in easy-to-understand formats. SEAs and Part C lead agencies (LAs) must report on the annual performance of their LEAs and early childhood local programs on the targets in the SPP. The toolkit includes the Section 616 legislation and provides information about the why, what, who, and how of state reporting of local performance data.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Presentations

    What’s the Use? Using Your IDEA Data for Decisionmaking

    During this session, the presenters walked participants through a structured process for guiding conversations using data and making data-informed decisions. The presenter demonstrated the flexible use of IDC’s Data Meeting Protocol across a variety of data and with diverse groups and stakeholders.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Presentations

    What to Know About High-Quality Discipline Data

    This session reviewed the working principles of high-quality IDEA data as they relate to the various discipline data states must submit each year for children and youth with disabilities. Discussion topics included how states make sure their data are accurate, timely, and complete. Presenters also discussed how states maintain discipline data security while making the data accessible and usable.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Presentations

    Visualizing IDEA Data

    IDC staff provided an introduction to data visualization approaches that are particularly useful for presenting IDEA data for the public. Participants learned simple strategies, chart types, and report styles that can be used to visualize the state’s data using Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, and free online tools. Presenters also provided a set of activities so participants can continue developing their capacity in follow-up to the interactive institute.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Presentations

    Using the Success Gaps Toolkit to Support Improvement Activities

    LEAs in all states have many improvement initiatives underway at any one time. This workshop described how state and local staff can use the Success Gaps Toolkit to align various needs assessments and improvement strategies and use the data generated to support improved results for students with diverse learning needs. One state shared how it uses the Success Gaps materials with LEAs and some of the lessons it has learned.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Presentations

    Using the Part B Data System Framework to Improve Data System Capacity and Enhance Data Quality

    This session introduced the IDEA Data Center Part B Data System Framework as a tool to guide development of a coherent approach to improving data quality and data systems. The overall purpose of the framework and accompanying products is to allow states to assess progress toward valid collection, analysis, use, and reporting of Part B IDEA data. The presenter also presented and described a companion data system graphic.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Presentations

    Using State Data to Inform Parent Center Work

    The purpose of this presentation was to introduce PTI and CPRC directors and staff to the IDEA data collected and reported by state education agencies and discuss how these data can be used to inform many of the fourteen priority topics for the PTI/CPRC network. These priorities were  identified in the most recent OSEP requests for proposals for PTI and CPRC funding.