Archived Resources

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    An IDC Resource

    Format: Presentations

    Equity, Inclusion, & Opportunity: Addressing Success Gaps

    This presentation introduced the audience of local education agency personnel to new tools, the Equity, Inclusion, and Opportunity: How to Address Success Gaps Rubric and the Equity, Inclusion and Opportunity: How to Address Success Gaps White Paper. The rubric and white paper were developed by a group of OSEP-funded technical assistance providers, with input from states and other experts. The Equity, Inclusion, and Opportunity: How to Address Success Gaps tools provide a process for reducing the differences in school success among subgroups of students by providing a structure for districts or schools to examine their current practices and identify areas for improvement.

    Format: Guides, Papers, and Reports

    Part B State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report 2014 Indicator Analysis FFY 2012-13

    The report presents a national quantitative picture of the implementation of Part B of IDEA based on a review of FFY 2012 APRs for the 50 states, commonwealths, territories, and the BIE.