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    An IDC Resource
    MOE Reduction and CEIS

    This video on MOE Reduction and CEIS details the IDEA information captured for LEAs, including their IDEA allocations, MOE compliance status, provision of CEIS, and counts of students receiving CEIS. This is one of a series of videos that provide high-level introductions to the data states must report as part of Section 618 of IDEA.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Presentations

    Moving Data Quality Downstream - Building a Culture of Data Quality at the LEA Level

    Presenters and participants discussed strategies that SEAs can use to help LEAs in collecting section 618 and other state-required data that is of high-quality. They explored IDC’s Knowledge Lab that lists various resources around different data collections. The Knowledge Lab contains many resources designed to help SEAs and LEAs gather, collect, validate, and report high-quality data. The discussion allowed for state input on how the state uses or can use these resources.

    Format: Presentations

    Moving From Bystander to Participant: Engaging State Leaders During Data Integration

    CIID is facilitating a workgroup of SEAs interested in improving engagement of state leaders in IDEA data integration efforts. For data integration to succeed, SEAs and state leaders must communicate ideas, goals, and objectives clearly across departments and to various stakeholder groups. This role-alike presentation for state directors and leaders provided an opportunity for state leaders to learn how to move from being a bystander to an active participant in data integration efforts. Participants learned more about critical times for engagement, ensuring communication and cooperation among state leaders who rely on data for decision making, and positive outcomes that result from integrating IDEA data.

    Format: Presentations

    Moving From Theory to Action - Kentucky

    This state presentation describes Kentucky's SIMR, Theory of Action, and approach to implementation.

    Format: Presentations

    Moving From Theory to Action - Louisiana

    This state presentation describes Louisiana's SIMR, Theory of Action, and approach to implementation.

    Format: Presentations

    Moving From Theory to Action - Michigan

    This state presentation describes Michigan's SIMR, Theory of Action, and approach to implementation.

    Format: Presentations

    Moving From Theory to Action - Nebraska

    This state presentation describes Nebraska's SIMR, Theory of Action, and approach to implementation.