Archived Resources

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    Format: Presentations

    Understanding and Effectively Engaging Stakeholders in Data Use (DaSy Framework)

    The presentation offers information about how the DaSy Data System Framework supports stakeholder engagement as a component of high-quality Part C and Section 619 data systems. A helpful handout is included.

    Format: Presentations

    Tools for SSIP Evaluation: System Framework and Benchmarks of Quality

    The presentation provides practical suggestions and guidance to help states begin their evaluation work. States can learn about tools for (1) building their evaluation team and (2) measuring improvements to system infrastructure.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Presentations

    Think Like an Evaluator: Backwards, Forwards, and in Circles

    The presentation focuses on the key aspects of planning for evaluation of the SSIP. Highlighted information includes the purpose of evaluation, setting the state for evaluation, the importance of focusing on outcomes, evaluation logic, and planning. Helpful handouts are included.

    Format: Presentations

    The Data Are in the Details: Translating Evaluation Questions Into Detailed Analytical Questions

    Information helps states recognize the need for wording evaluation questions differently for different purposes and audiences. The presentation provides steps for developing detailed questions for analysis. Clearly articulated analytical questions can help states determine what data are needed to answer the questions and more efficiently and effectively obtain the answers they need to use data to support success in the SSIP.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Presentations

    The Basics of Implementation Science

    The presentation presents an overview on developing an infrastructure that supports implementation, scale-up, and sustainability of effective practices and highlights core components of implementation. Highlighted components include: Implementation Stages, Implementation Drivers, Implementation Teams, Usable Interventions, and Improvement Cycles.

    Format: Presentations

    Supporting Dropout/Graduation As a Part B SiMR

    The presentation provides strategies to support the Coherent Improvement Strategies in states' Phase I Part B SSIPs and highlights graduation/transition SIMRs.

    Format: Presentations

    State Part C Teams Discuss Their Experiences With the SSIP and SIMR Process

    The presentation focuses on experiences of State Part C teams in analyzing data, selecting their SIMR, and completing their SSIP. Guiding questions help states connect Phase I and Phase II planning.