Archived Resources

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    Format: Presentations

    Where Do They Go? Capturing Accurate Part C Exiting Data

    The presentation explored challenges that states and local regions face in accurately capturing Part C Exiting reasons. The IDC Part C Exiting workgroup has been developing a tool to assist with these challenges. The presentation was interactive, drawing on the experiences of new and seasoned data managers.

    Format: Presentations

    What We Learned From Phase I and What to Expect for Phase II

    The presentation shares information about what OSEP learned from SSIP Phase I and expectations for Phase II and includes a look at the OSEP process for review of Phase I and support for states. Helpful handouts are included.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Presentations

    Using State Data to Inform Parent Center Work

    The purpose of this presentation was to introduce PTI and CPRC directors and staff to the IDEA data collected and reported by state education agencies and discuss how these data can be used to inform many of the fourteen priority topics for the PTI/CPRC network. These priorities were  identified in the most recent OSEP requests for proposals for PTI and CPRC funding.

    Format: Presentations

    Using Ready by 21 Strategies to Build Stronger State-Local Connections in the SSIP

    The presentation provided information about Ready by 21 and how states can employ the strategies to build a stronger state-local-community infrastructures.

    Format: Presentations

    Using Implementation Science in Phases II and III

    Use of implementation science is critical in planning and implementing systemic improvement. This information explores how to operationalize the components of implementation science and how to select, implement, and scale-up chosen evidence-based practices. Helpful handouts are included.

    Format: Presentations

    Usable Interventions: An Active Implementation Framework

    The presentation describes the four criteria for a usable intervention, one of the active implementation frameworks, and tools and processes for assessing and improving the usability of an intervention.

    Format: Presentations

    Understanding Phase II Evaluation Requirements

    The presentation reviews OSEP’s requirements for the evaluation of the SSIP.