Archived Resources

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    Format: Guides, Papers, and Reports

    Part B State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report 2019 Indicator Analyses

    The Part B State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report 2019 Indicator Analyses presents a national quantitative picture of the implementation of Part B of IDEA based on a review of information 60 states and jurisdictions reported in the FFY 2017 APRs and amended SPPs they submitted to OSEP in spring 2019.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Toolkits and Templates

    Part C Indicator Data Display Wizard

    This Version 2.0 of the Data Display Wizard creates data displays based on user entry of SPP/APR data. The tool gives users various options for displaying that data. LA staff can use this tool to engage with various stakeholders on how to best display reported SPP/APR data based on the audience, message, and purpose of the desired report or presentation.

    Format: Recordings

    Part C State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report 2016 Indicator Analyses

    The Part C State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report 2016 Indicator Analyses presents a national picture of the implementation of IDEA based on a review of information 56 states and jurisdictions reported in their FFY 2014 APRs and amended SPPs that they subsubmitted to OSEP in spring of 2016.

    Format: Recordings

    Part B State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report 2016 Indicator Analyses

    The Part B State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report 2016 Indicator Analyses presents a national picture of the implementation of IDEA based on a review of information 60 states and jurisdictions reported in their FFY 2014 APRs and amended SPPs that they subsubmitted to OSEP in spring of 2016.

    Format: Presentations

    Making the Connections Across Indicators

    Presenters revisited the connections (improvement strategies, data sets, program evaluation) across several of the IDEA Part B Indicators–the gist of RDA–with a particular focus on the indicators most closely related to secondary students.

    Format: Guides, Papers, and Reports

    Part B State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report 2015 Indicator Analyses

    The 2015 SPP/APR Indicator Analyses for Part B presents a national quantitative picture of the implementation of Part B of IDEA based on a review of information 60 states and jurisdictions reported in their FFY 2013 Annual APRs. For the purposes of the report, the term “state” is used for both states and territories. The report, which covers Part B Indicators 1 through 17, can be downloaded in Word format.

    Format: Presentations

    Part B Transition Indicators: Supporting States in the SSIP

    The National Post-School Outcomes Center, in collaboration with IDC, provided a picture of post-school outcomes for youth with disabilities over the last four years based on Indicator 14 data. Presenters discussed methods states use to collect these data. To further states' work in RDA and improve results, presenters provided information about resources and TA that support states in examining the transition indicators as stakeholders work through the three phases of the SSIP.