Past Events and Recordings

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  • An IDC Sponsored Event
    Best Practices in the Public Reporting and Visualization of IDEA Data

    This webinar focused on best practices for public reporting of IDEA data and important questions for states to consider when planning visualizations of their data. Participants heard from state staff who demonstrated key features of their states’ IDEA public reporting portals and how their states developed them, as well as the successes and challenges the states experienced with the work.

  • An IDC Sponsored Event
    Including Results Data in General Supervision Systems

    This IDEA Data Center (IDC) and National Center for Systemic Improvement (NCSI) joint webinar focused on learning from states that are working to meaningfully include student results or outcomes data in their general supervision systems. Presenters shared “lessons learned” from state work, including both important considerations for states that are in the planning stages, as well as for those actively engaged in centering results data in their accountability and support systems. Participants also heard how states can integrate data use as part of their general supervision system.

  • An IDC Sponsored Event
    Root Cause Analysis: Using Data to Improve Students' Outcomes

    This webinar helped states and local education agencies (LEAs) learn how to use root cause analysis to analyze their 616 and 618 data and use the results to improve student outcomes. States and LEAs should conduct a root cause analysis when these data show that some groups of students are succeeding at lower rates than other groups are. Presenters discussed how to perform a successful root cause analysis in order to identify why performance or achievement gaps are happening and prevent them from reoccurring. Staff from the South Carolina Department of Education presented on the state’s use of the IDC Success Gaps Toolkit for root cause analysis with LEAs and the solutions the LEAs implemented as a result of their analyses.