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    An IDC Resource

    Format: Trainings

    Incorporating Business Rules Into State Data Systems

    The Incorporating Business Rules Into State Data Systems instructional video explores the different ways Part B and Part C state agencies can incorporate business rules into their IDEA state data collection and reporting systems.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Applications and Spreadsheets

    Interactive Public Reporting Engine

    The Interactive Public Reporting Engine displays the complete set of IDEA data that states collect and submit to OSEP to meet the requirements of Section 618 of IDEA. This tool displays each dataset and the required disaggregations such as race/ethnicity, gender, and age. It provides a more dynamic way for states to meet the 618 public reporting requirements, and linking to the tool fulfills the public reporting requirements. In addition, use of the tool promotes conversations about how to improve results among families, teachers, schools, related service providers, administrators, policymakers, and other interested stakeholders.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Toolkits

    LEA Data Processes Toolkit

    There is a continuous need for state education agencies (SEAs) and local education agencies (LEAs) to collect and report comprehensive, high-quality data and ensure they report data accurately and in a timely fashion. The customizable IDC LEA Data Processes Toolkit is a new instrument that can improve decisionmaking about children and youth with disabilities by ensuring data are of high quality and processes are clearly defined and documented, while also providing data staff a map for documenting data processes within local districts.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Applications and Spreadsheets

    LEA EDFacts Edit Check and Data Display Tools

    The LEA EDFacts Edit Check and Data Display Tools allow states to identify potential business rule errors or errors in category sets, subtotals, or totals prior to submitting the data to OSEP via the EDFacts Submission System. The tool also provides states with user-friendly data summaries.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Applications and Spreadsheets

    Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Reduction Eligibility Worksheets

    The Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Reduction Eligibility Worksheets includes two documents to assist SEAs and LEAs/ESAs with MOE reduction. The first is an Excel-based worksheet that facilitates the calculation of the maximum allowable amount of MOE reduction and CEIS for the LEA/ESAs. The second document is an Excel-based worksheet that facilitates the calculation of the maximum allowable amount of MOE reduction and CEIS for all the LEAs/ESAs within the SEA.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Guides and Briefs

    Measuring Significant Discrepancy: An Indicator B4 Technical Assistance Guide

    The TA guide describes the methods a state might use to appropriately determine which of its districts has a significant discrepancy (including a significant discrepancy by race or ethnicity) in the rates of out-of-school suspensions and expulsions totaling greater than 10 days for children with disabilities.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Guides and Briefs

    Navigating Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    This FAQ document focuses on helping SEAs and LEAs understand CEIS and its reporting requirements. SEAs and LEAs can use the resource in conjunction with the OSEP Guidance Memo 08-09.