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  • An IDC Sponsored Event
    Improving Indicator 6 Data Quality to Reflect Inclusive Practices

    IDC and staff from the state of Washington held a discussion on improving Indicator 6 data quality. IDC provided an overview of 618 Child Count and Educational Environments data and Indicator 6. Washington state staff described the coaching they provided to regional and district staff to help them better understand, improve, and use Indicator 6 data to promote more inclusive educational environments for preschoolers with disabilities. These efforts have created changes at both the system and district levels.

  • An IDC Sponsored Event
    Tips for Success: Writing an Effective FFY 2020 State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report

    IDC staff guided states through writing a comprehensive and accurate FFY 2020 State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR), including Indicator 17 (State Systemic Improvement Plan). Presenters highlighted OSEP guidance, shared key points to keep in mind while writing, and provided examples of common writing and reporting challenges and potential solutions. Webinar participants shared their ideas and approaches to writing their reports. 

  • An IDC Sponsored Event
    Including Results Data in General Supervision Systems

    This IDEA Data Center (IDC) and National Center for Systemic Improvement (NCSI) joint webinar focused on learning from states that are working to meaningfully include student results or outcomes data in their general supervision systems. Presenters shared “lessons learned” from state work, including both important considerations for states that are in the planning stages, as well as for those actively engaged in centering results data in their accountability and support systems. Participants also heard how states can integrate data use as part of their general supervision system.