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    An IDC Resource

    Format: Checklists, Crosswalks, and Rubrics

    Part C Exiting Data Matrix: Categories with Child-Level Examples

    This matrix is both a standalone product and the fourth section of the IDEA Data Center Part C Exiting Data Toolkit. It contains scenarios for each of the 10 exiting categories. The Part C Exiting Data Toolkit is designed to assist states in reporting high-quality Part C exiting data, required under Section 618 of IDEA. The remaining three sections in the Part C Exiting Data Toolkit are: Part C Exiting Reasons and Categories (Section 1); General Challenges and Potential Solutions (Section 2, Part 1); Specific Challenges, Potential Solutions, and Variation (Section 2, Part 2); and Data Check Patterns and Additional Data Check Patterns to Ensure Non-Duplicated Counts of All Eligible Exiting Children (Section 3).

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Online Applications

    Part C Exiting Counts

    IDC's Part C Exiting Counts app allows users to test their knowledge of the 10 Part C Exiting categories by either starting with a child scenario and deciding which reason and category best fit the scenario or starting with a reason and category and deciding which child scenario best fits that reason and category.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Guides, Papers, and Reports

    Examining Part C Exiting Data Variation

    Using national averages for each of the exiting categories, this white paper helps state personnel examine differences in their Part C Exiting data. The paper explores Part C Exiting data category definitions, as well as general and specific trends in Part C Exiting data. It also includes suggestions for possible strategies to improve data quality, including clarifying policies and definitions, documenting procedures for implementation of policies, and developing training materials related to reporting exiting data.

  • An IDC Resource

    Format: Toolkits and Templates

    Part C Exiting Toolkit

    The Part C Exiting Toolkit allows for one-stop “shopping” for Part C data managers and coordinators. It provides (1) resources for documenting the exiting process, (2) resources to check exiting data, (3) a link to the Part C Exiting Counts app, and (4) other great resources. It is a great tool for both new and experienced staff.