Archived Resources

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    Format: Presentations

    What We Know About Mathematics Instruction for Students With Disabilities - Evidence-Based Practices

    The presentation focuses on key factors for effective instruction of mathematics for students with disabilities and considerations for selecting appropriate evidence-based practices.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Presentations

    What to Know About High-Quality Discipline Data

    This session reviewed the working principles of high-quality IDEA data as they relate to the various discipline data states must submit each year for children and youth with disabilities. Discussion topics included how states make sure their data are accurate, timely, and complete. Presenters also discussed how states maintain discipline data security while making the data accessible and usable.

    Format: Presentations

    What Data Can Tell Us – and What It Can’t: How to Be Sure We Know What Our Data Means

    Validity is about more than results—it is determined by the question asked, the data collection design, and analysis. In this session, presenters led a discussion on what the data can, and cannot, say about outcomes, using examples from a selection of Part B and Part C indicators. Questions posed included: What is the difference between student outcomes and program performance? Can your data tell you which states, districts, or programs are performing better? What policy questions would you like to know about that your data currently cannot answer?

    Format: Recordings

    Webinar: The Intersection of FERPA and IDEA Confidentiality Provisions

    This presentation provides an overview of definitions, confidentiality provisions, and the latest regulatory changes under the FERPA and Part B of the IDEA. The presentation highlights similarities and differences in the requirements between the two statues.

    Format: Presentations

    Want to Integrate Your Data? Let’s Start at the Beginning

    Staff beginning a data integration effort within their state must first establish a clear purpose for integration. Focusing on the first step of integration during this session, CIID staff helped participants refine the purpose and use case for integrating their data. Also, participants used the CIID Data Integration Toolkit to develop a plan to ensure key stakeholder understanding of the purpose for, and improve their support of, data integration efforts in the state.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Presentations

    Visualizing IDEA Data

    IDC staff provided an introduction to data visualization approaches that are particularly useful for presenting IDEA data for the public. Participants learned simple strategies, chart types, and report styles that can be used to visualize the state’s data using Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, and free online tools. Presenters also provided a set of activities so participants can continue developing their capacity in follow-up to the interactive institute.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Presentations

    Using the Success Gaps Toolkit to Support Improvement Activities

    LEAs in all states have many improvement initiatives underway at any one time. This workshop described how state and local staff can use the Success Gaps Toolkit to align various needs assessments and improvement strategies and use the data generated to support improved results for students with diverse learning needs. One state shared how it uses the Success Gaps materials with LEAs and some of the lessons it has learned.