Archived Resources

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Archived Resources 1 - 7 of 7

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    An IDC Resource

    Format: Checklists, Crosswalks, and Rubrics

    Part C Exiting Data Matrix: Categories with Child-Level Examples

    This matrix is both a standalone product and the fourth section of the IDEA Data Center Part C Exiting Data Toolkit. It contains scenarios for each of the 10 exiting categories. The Part C Exiting Data Toolkit is designed to assist states in reporting high-quality Part C exiting data, required under Section 618 of IDEA. The remaining three sections in the Part C Exiting Data Toolkit are: Part C Exiting Reasons and Categories (Section 1); General Challenges and Potential Solutions (Section 2, Part 1); Specific Challenges, Potential Solutions, and Variation (Section 2, Part 2); and Data Check Patterns and Additional Data Check Patterns to Ensure Non-Duplicated Counts of All Eligible Exiting Children (Section 3).

    Format: Checklists, Crosswalks, and Rubrics

    New IDEA MOE Regulations Crosswalk

    With new MOE regulations going into effect on July 1, 2015, CIFR staff developed this document to show differences between the new regulations and the ones that have been in place since 2006.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Checklists, Crosswalks, and Rubrics

    IDEA Part C Confidentiality Checklist

    The IDEA Part C Confidentiality Checklist outlines the various confidentiality provisions of IDEA law in an easy-to-understand format in order to support agencies in complying with privacy and confidentiality provisions under IDEA Part C. The checklist also provides a means for documenting implementation practices states may need to follow or actions they may need to take to implement or improve implementation of the confidentiality provisions.

    Format: Checklists, Crosswalks, and Rubrics

    FERPA/IDEA Crosswalk

    This 32-page document contains a side-by-side comparison of the confidentiality provisions in the FERPA and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act IDEA.

    Format: Checklists, Crosswalks, and Rubrics

    FERPA Exceptions Summary

    A privacy and data protection program for student education records must include a set of checks and balances to ensure that the necessary rules and procedures are in place and that they are being fully implemented. This document provides information about how to complete formal periodic audits of the various processes involved in the processing and usage of personally identifiable student information.

    Format: Checklists, Crosswalks, and Rubrics

    Data Sharing Agreement Checklist for IDEA Part C and Part B 619 Agencies and Programs

    This 2014 document is an adaptation of the 2012 release of Data Sharing Agreement Checklist intended for K-12 audiences. Presented as a checklist, the document summarizes the requirements for the written agreements under the audit or evaluation exception that is specified in FERPA and that also applies to the IDEA for Part C early intervention and Part B 619 preschool special education.

    Format: Checklists, Crosswalks, and Rubrics

    Checklist: Data Sharing Agreement

    The purpose of this document is to summarize the requirements for the written agreements under the studies exception and the auditor evaluation exception as specified in the FERPA.