Archived Resources

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Archived Resources 1 - 7 of 79

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    An IDC Resource

    Format: Presentations

    Forming Evaluation Questions for Your SSIP Evaluation

    This presentation focuses on the development of evaluation questions during SSIP evaluation planning.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Guides, Papers, and Reports

    Equity, Inclusion, and Opportunity: Addressing Success Gaps, White Paper

    This white paper focuses on elements of equity, inclusion, and opportunity that can minimize or eliminate success gaps among different groups of students. It provides the research-based background that guided development of a complementary rubric that schools or districts can use to systematically examine the root causes of success gaps among groups of their students. The white paper has been updated recently and now includes considerations for children as young as preschool.

    Format: Presentations

    Improving Infrastructure to Support SSIP Implementation

    The presentation provides information to help states think about the early steps and process for infrastructure development. The ECTA System Framework is a reference on specific components of the systems identified for improvement. Helpful handouts are included with this posting.

    An IDC Resource

    Format: Presentations

    Equity, Inclusion and Opportunity: Addressing Success Gaps

    The presentation introduces a research-based guidance document and self-assessment rubric designed to help districts and schools identify the root causes of "success gaps" (for example, in test scores, suspension or graduation rates, or course credits) for some groups of students, thereby helping schools to improve and equalize results for all students.

    Format: Presentations

    Equity, Inclusion, and Opportunity: Addressing Success Gaps via the SSIP Process

    Presenters introduced a research-based guidance document and self-assessment rubric designed by OSEP's Disproportionality Priority Team to help districts and schools identify the root causes of "success gaps" for some groups of students, thereby helping to improve and equalize results for all students. As an example, presenters used Georgia's SSIP process, focused on graduation for students with disabilities.

    Format: Presentations

    Giving Weight to Scaling Up!

    The presentation provides reasons to focus on scaling up and factors that states should consider when developing a plan for scale-up. A helpful handout is included.

    Format: Presentations

    Maximize the Return on Your Data Investment: Planning and Documentation for Data Collection and Analysis

    The presentation provides guidance on the importance of planning for data collection and analysis and documenting findings and decisions to facilitate reporting. Information also focuses on essential elements in planning and documenting data collection and analysis and how to maximize the efficiency and utility of state efforts to use data to make mid-course corrections to collection or analysis plans. Helpful handouts are included.