Data Meeting Protocol

In the world of special education, we often have a wealth of data at our disposal. However, facilitating discussions about these data can be a daunting task. IDC is here to help you prepare for and lead data meetings! Using resources like our Data Meeting Protocol (part of IDC’s Data Meeting Toolkit) and TA from our experienced staff can help you set up data meetings for success. Recently, IDC provided TA to staff at the Vermont Agency of Education on using the Data Meeting Protocol in their quarterly data meetings with internal staff. We designed the TA to support the state’s SPP/APR indicator leads during small data meetings, using protocol questions and processes to drive discussion and ultimately strengthen SPP/APR review practices. As a result of this TA, the state’s indicator teams will use the protocol prompts to support stakeholder target setting for the FFY 2020–2025 SPP/APR.

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