Past Events and Recordings

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  • An IDC Sponsored Event
    Improving Indicator 6 Data Quality to Reflect Inclusive Practices

    IDC and staff from the state of Washington held a discussion on improving Indicator 6 data quality. IDC provided an overview of 618 Child Count and Educational Environments data and Indicator 6. Washington state staff described the coaching they provided to regional and district staff to help them better understand, improve, and use Indicator 6 data to promote more inclusive educational environments for preschoolers with disabilities. These efforts have created changes at both the system and district levels.

  • An IDC Sponsored Event
    LEA Determinations: Establishing a Process That Supports Program Improvement

    During this IDC webinar, participants learned about federal requirements for LEA determinations of performance. They also learned about national trends for issuing LEA determinations, including information on the data elements and calculation methodologies states use in making their LEA determinations. Additionally, two states shared their current LEA determination processes and the impact of these processes on local special education programs.