Past Events and Recordings

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  • An IDC Sponsored Event
    Improving Indicator 6 Data Quality to Reflect Inclusive Practices

    IDC and staff from the state of Washington held a discussion on improving Indicator 6 data quality. IDC provided an overview of 618 Child Count and Educational Environments data and Indicator 6. Washington state staff described the coaching they provided to regional and district staff to help them better understand, improve, and use Indicator 6 data to promote more inclusive educational environments for preschoolers with disabilities. These efforts have created changes at both the system and district levels.

  • An IDC Sponsored Event
    Best Practices in the Public Reporting and Visualization of IDEA Data

    This webinar focused on best practices for public reporting of IDEA data and important questions for states to consider when planning visualizations of their data. Participants heard from state staff who demonstrated key features of their states’ IDEA public reporting portals and how their states developed them, as well as the successes and challenges the states experienced with the work.