Taking MOE Data Processes Documentation to the LEA Level

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Documenting data processes requires dedicated effort and a commitment to designate time to complete and regularly update the data processes. During this webinar, state and local special education directors, data managers, and fiscal managers learned about IDC's LEA maintenance of effort (MOE) data processes protocol that they can use to work together to document the local-level processes and procedures LEAs use to collect, validate, and report LEA MOE data to the state. States also can use the protocol to help ensure that LEAs maintain their local fiscal effort—that is, to document the LEAs’ steps for ensuring that they “supplement, not supplant” state and local funding for the education of students with disabilities with federal funds each year. Webinar participants learned how IDC TA specialists work with states and their local staff to facilitate use of the LEA MOE data processes protocol. Participants also heared directly from their colleagues about how they are now using the LEA MOE protocol within their state.