Leveraging Evaluation Data: Leading Data-informed Discussions to Guide SSIP Decisionmaking

Time and Date


This webinar provided information to help states use their SSIP evaluation data to support decisionmaking regarding SSIP implementation and outcomes. Presenters introduced IDC’s Data Meeting Protocol, which provides a simple structure that state and local teams can use to guide conversation around data. The presenters outlined steps to follow before, during, and after meetings to support data-informed decisionmaking. The webinar helped states leverage data gathered through SSIP implementation and engage in a collaborative process of data use. This webinar is appropriate for anyone involved in SSIP implementation or evaluation, including SSIP coordinators, Part B or Part C leadership, Part B or Part C data managers, state or local implementation teams, SSIP evaluation teams, and outside evaluators.

As a result of the webinar, participants should have

  1. increased understanding of how SSIP data can provide evidence of progress toward achieving intended outcomes and inform next steps in implementation;
  2. increased understanding of a structured process that groups can use to discuss and make meaning of data to inform decisionmaking; and
  3. increased understanding of IDC’s Data Meeting Protocol and related resources available to support data analysis and use.