Back-to-Basics on Part C Primary Settings and Part B Early Childhood Settings—What You Need to Know About Indicators C2 and B6

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This webinar continued IDC's Back-to-Basics Webinar Series for new Part B and Part C state staff, staff with new indicator responsibilities, and those who want a refresher on ins-and-outs of the SPP/APR indicators and related Section 618 data collections. The webinar focused on beginning level information on Indicator C2 (Primary Settings) and B6 (Preschool Settings), including a review of the indicators’ specific criteria and data sources; steps and calculations required to collect, analyze, and report Indicators C2 and B6 data; and any differences or similarities between Indicators C2 and B6 and the other indicators.

Expected outcomes of the webinar were that participants would gain al  better understanding of Indicator C2 and Indicator B6 requirements to ensure high-quality data for SPP/APR reporting and increased knowledge about available resources and supports for understanding and reporting Indicator C2 and Indicator B6 data.